
hi there ~ here’s some of what i’ve been busy with this past week though there’s also been a horrible eye infection that kept me huddled on my bed for two days waiting for the pain to end with tears constantly dropping down my cheek (i kid you not. it was baaaad.), many hours on the phone with, and standing outside my apartment waiting for, dhl to deliver a package, plus other fun stuff that depressed me to no end (will the patterns ever stop! i just want new problems) and then other stuff that made me smile and laugh as soon as i opened my eyes this morning. it’s been one of those weeks, chock full.


a few days ago, my laptop’s power cord started shooting out sparks. scary! after three years, the cord had been tripped over countless times, yanked out of the laptop dozens of times, and so on. it was not looking pretty, but i was not expecting the sparks – i’ve been so careful the last few months.

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something finished

make that somethings, because i finally added the zipper to the long-suffering urban aran, my first time doing that, and i t works great. thank goodness the weather, at least at night, is starting to almost be wool-worthy. kinda. not really. but close enough. just did a little mini-photo shoot, so look for that soon.
