hello. so today is the big thank-god-it’s-once-a-year fund drive at work ~ that’s why it’s 7 am and i’m up. most people arrived at work this morning at 5:30. me? i’m sleeping in and not getting there till 8:30. and then we’ll all be there probably till 7 tonight when the thirteen hour marathon ends. (it actually is called a marathon. huh, never thought i’d participate in a marathon.) my job has been the website so please check out my hard work, it’ll make me very happy: supportpra.org.
hi there ~ although i can’t get behind the idea of thanksiving (too much genocide for me, folks) that doesn’t mean i can’t enjoy my day off. and boy did i!
‘A Thanksgiving Prayer’ by William Burroughs:
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by Franny Billingsley
the cover illustration for this book is very deceptive, it doesn’t even begin to match the beauty and sophistication of the story within (though that’s not to say i don’t like the illustration. having read the book, i can now appreciate the hazy beauty of it, almost like modern animation..)
so, i liked the cover, that’s partially why i chose the book (yeah, i’m like that), but the story just kept surprising me and surprising me with its twists, turns and depth.
i loved this book!
[link to author’s website]